Effective Ranking + Speciation = Many-Objective Optimization

Mario Garza-Fabre and Gregorio Toscano-Pulido, Carlos A. Coello Coello and Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello
In 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC’2011), 2011

Multiobjective optimization problems have been widely addressed using evolutionary computation techniques. However, when dealing with more than three conflicting objectives (the so-called many-objective problems), the performance of such approaches deteriorates. The problem lies in the inability of Pareto dominance to provide an effective discrimination. Alternative ranking methods have been successfully used to cope with this issue. Nevertheless, the high selection pressure associated with these approaches usually leads to diversity loss. In this study, we focus on parallel genetic algorithms, where multiple partially isolated subpopulations are evolved concurrently. As in nature, isolation leads to speciation, the process by which new species arise. Thus, evolving multiple subpopulations can be seen as a potential source of diversity and it is known to improve the search performance of genetic algorithms. Our experimental results suggest that such a behavior, integrated with an effective ranking, constitutes a suitable approach for many objective optimization.