Locality-Based Multiobjectivization for the HP Model of Protein Structure Prediction

Mario Garza-Fabre and Gregorio Toscano-Pulido and Eduardo Rodriguez-Tello
In 2012 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’2012), 2012

In this paper, two novel evolutionary approaches for many-objective optimization are proposed. These algorithms integrate a fine-grained ranking of solutions to favor convergence, with explicit methodologies for diversity promotion in order to guide the search towards a representative approximation of the Pareto-optimal surface. In order to validate the proposed algorithms, we performed a comparative study where four state-of-the-art representative approaches were considered. In such a study, four well-known scalable test problems were adopted as well as six different problem sizes, ranging from 5 to 50 objectives. Our results indicate that our two proposed algorithms consistently provide good convergence as the number of objectives increases, outperforming the other approaches with respect to which they were compared.